M1, the Crab Nebula in Taurus is a supernova remnant from the supernova recorded by the Chinese as a “Guest Star” in the constellation of the Bull on July 4, `1054. It was visible in daylight for 23 days and visible at night for 653 days. It was also recorded on petroglyphs by indigenous people of southwest North America in 13 different locations. The nebula lies 6,500 light-years from Earth. explosive projections of the supernova are clearly seen in the red hydrogen-alpha components of the image. The nebula now spans 11 light-years, which means the material was ejected at roughly 1% the speed of light.
Exposures: Ha:L:R:G:B =50:50:50:50 minutes = 4 hours, 10 minutes total exposure, completely unguided.