The imaging camera is an SBIG STL 11000M CCD camera. It has a CCD chip containing 11 million 9 micron pixels with the same dimensions as a 35mm film frame. Personally, I still prefer the aspect ratio of a 35mm film frame for my images compared to the square images with the 16000 chips in other cameras. The STL 11000 is a self-guiding camera with a built in separate guide chip for autoguiding. However, as stated on my webpage about the L500 mount, the mount’s tracking is so accurate that I rarely use guide stars anymore. Not having to place a bright guide star on the guide chip gives me much more freedom of how to frame the subject on the imaging chip, which used to be severely limited by the availability of a suitable guide star that fit on the guide chip at the same time the subject fit somewhere on the imaging chip. The camera also has a built in 5-position filter wheel in which I have Baader Planetarium L, R, G, B and H-alpha filters. The Baader Planetarium filters are all par focal and have very good bandpass features. For, example, the blue filter captures H-beta and oxygen III wavelengths quite effectively.